Cloud Security

cloud computing

The benefits of cloud computing

The benefits of cloud computing are widely acknowledged, but security concerns and compliance risks have kept businesses from realizing their full potential. Data protection remains the biggest inhibitor to adoption in this area. The lack of on-site resources to manage security practices can lead to a data breach that forces an organization back into the non-cloud world until they have made up for their mistakes. In addition, though so much potential exists in the cloud, issues related to legalities and privacy have been a significant source of concern for businesses, thus delaying the adoption.


How to execute cloud technologies

The good news is that cloud security can be managed by following specific guidelines and best practices. However, cloud security is not a 100 meters race; it's like a marathon. This is why to properly execute cloud technologies; you must set up enduring visibility and monitoring so that any shortcomings can be quickly diagnosed before they cause significant damage or breaches.


Cloud Security Best Practices

Regularly review your cloud security policies to ensure they remain current with industry standards and reflect the dynamic nature of your cloud deployments.

Regularly review your cloud security policies to ensure they remain current with industry standards and reflect the dynamic nature of your cloud deployments.


We understand the importance of security.

At Top Ribbon, we know that data security is the key to success for all organizations. That's why our solutions are tailored specifically to detect and respond quickly in case of Intrusions or Breaches so you can feel confident knowing your information will never fall into the wrong hands!

In addition, Top Ribbon has the unique ability to provide you with complete visibility and control of your cloud. This enables you to make an informed decision about who can access your data and which actions they are allowed to perform.


How to get there?

Top Ribbon's Cloud Adoption Framework ensures policy compliance and enables organizations to gain long-term visibility into their public and private cloud-based on organizational objectives and requirements.

Our framework delivers:


Have any questions?

Top Ribbon is a leading provider of cloud security and compliance solutions for organizations adopting public, private, and hybrid clouds. Our Cloud Adoption Framework gives users the ability to gain long-term visibility into their cloud deployments, maintain policy compliance and enforce data protection policies across both on-premise and cloud resources using a unified approach to security management. If you have any questions or want to learn more about Top Ribbon and how we can help your organization succeed, please contact us.

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